We recently created the 25 second video below to promote our business online. We posted it on our Facebook Business Page: https://www.facebook.com/inforestcom/.
We started getting traffic from the time we posted the video (356 views and 572 people reached) at the time we created this post. Not viral but not bad for a small web design firm in Princeton, NJ. So when Facebook asked if we wanted boost the post we went all in. As soon as we went to boost the post we received an error stating “Boost is Unavailable” Change the copy etc. Below is a screenshot of the video on our business page. We were unable to boost the post
So we checked the Facebook Ad Help Pages:
https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1575107409431290/?ref=u2u and https://www.facebook.com/policies/ads. Our Ad didn’t seem to violate any of the advertising guidelines. So after much searching we finally found a way to contact Facebook about the Ad: https://www.facebook.com/business/support/contact-us
After about 24 hours we received the below response:
Thank you for reaching out to the Facebook Advertisement Support Team. My name is N****e and I see you require some assistance because you can’t boost your post. I understand our policies can be confusing. I’d be more than happy to look at your post and see what I can help you with.
I looked at your Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/infor
The reason you were unable to boost your post is because of the words “you” and “your”. It falls in our policy of Referring to people’s personal attributes. Using “you” and “your” in your ads maybe directive toward users and that is why the ad was unable to boost.
I would recommend creating a new post with different text and boosting that post instead.
Here is more information about our policy: https://www.facebook.com/polic
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for contacting Facebook!
Our Conclusion:
The “person” at Facebook couldn’t have read our post because if he did he would have known that “you and your” in this case referred to a website. Our intuition says that Facebook uses a Keywords algorithm and no matter what context it is used in that if you use the words “you” or “your” in a Facebook ad it will get flagged.
Is your old website weighing you down? Do you wish that your website was mobile-friendly? Call the experts at Inforest Communications!