Streamlabs OBS Facebook Streaming Fixes

We recently started working on streaming via Facebook Live. We’ve been looking for a solution that would allow us to stream the screen of a web browser or a iPad (so that we could show drawing on Procreate). We also wanted to be able to include our webcam so that the audience can see us talking and respond.

That’s when we found OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) and Streamlabs OBS. We decided to use Streamlabs because it is more user friendly and a little more polished. It works great for what we need except it is a little buggy, as it is still in development. Another issue is the lack of documentation. So we decided to answer some of the questions that we solved.

How Do I Get My Facebook Stream Key?

  • Logon To
  • Go To Explore (bottom left)
  • Click Gaming Video
  • Click Go Live Button
  • Copy Persistent Stream Key

Can I Go Live on Facebook Without Selecting A Game?

The short answer is NO. We think because you are using the Facebook Gaming API. It is not yet supported so choose a random game. We use “Facebook Messenger for iPhone

How Can I Add or Edit the Facebook Pages in Streamlabs OBS

Go to FACEBOOK settings >  Settings and Privacy > Business integrations > Find SLOBS and view/edit the permissions. You should be able to select your other pages to be included.

*You may need to Login and Logout. See Below

Streamlabs OBS Stream NOT Working

In the App (Not On The Page) on the bottom left there is a log out button.
Log out and then Log back in to Facebook.

Where do my recordings go in Streamlabs OBS?

It will automatically be sent to your Videos folder. You can change your recording format and quality settings under Settings > Output > Recording and Settings > Advanced > Recording


Hopefully in the next few weeks or months Streamlabs will fix some of these issues. We will update this post as the program is edited or we find solutions to issues. If you need help setting up your own streaming solution via Streamlabs, give us a shout!