Favorite Web Design Blogs and Podcasts 2021

As we all know Web Design and Development is constantly changing and evolving. One way that we keep up with new strategies, techniques and trends is by staying up to date with industry news. Here are a few of our favorite Blogs and Podcasts to help keep you up to date on all things web design and development.


Smashing Magazine

Great blogs about all things web design and development

Search Engine Land

Tons of information on the latest and greatest SEO techniques and strategies

Bill Erickson

Great information on the Gutenberg block editor

CSS Tricks

Daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development.


General blogs some focusing on Mobile, Apps New and Upcoming Tech Gadgets


The Big Web Show

A podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers from Netflix, Twitch, & Atlassian talking over drinks about all things Front End development.

Developer Tea

Developer podcast that is meant to fit inside your tea break

Front End Happy Hour

Podcast all things web design

The Web Ahead

Podcast focused on the future of the web

Check Out Our Resources

We now have a resources section which is full of helpful links