Streamlabs OBS Facebook Streaming Fixes

We recently started working on streaming via Facebook Live. We’ve been looking for a solution that would allow us to stream the screen of a web browser or a iPad (so that we could show drawing on Procreate). We also wanted to be able to include our webcam so that the audience can see us …

Great, Free Video Conferencing Apps

In light of recent events with the Covid 19 Virus. With people being self quarantined and self distancing we may not be able to connect with each other in real life. We decided to put together a list of conferencing apps that can help us connect with coworkers, family and friends online. Zoom Features : …

Our Biggest Take Away From DrupalCampNJ 2020

DrupalCamp New Jersey is an annual, volunteer organized, three-day camp, held since 2012. Over the past several years, the camp and local community have evolved greatly due to the impact of the camp and related events throughout the year. The organizers aim for this to be one of the best camps and communities in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States.

The Benefits Of Having a Website In 2020

With Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media platforms why do we need a website? The most important reason is that you have ownership and control of the content on your website. Having a website also helps you increase your business credibility, build your business, better promote your business, and reach a wider audience. …

5 Easy Website Resolutions For 2020

Just like your health, your website and business require work in order to stay fit and healthy. So, let’s put in a little bit of work so you can reap the benefits of having a healthy website into the new year.

Email Blast Components

Managing an email list can be a daunting yet rewarding task. Here are some tips to help ease the stress and keep you on track to reap the rewards of sending out successful mass mailings.

Gutenberg Responsive Video Embed Fix

After looking at our search console report we realized that some of our videos were not responsive and were larger than the content area on mobile. We looked into it and realized that when we converted from the old editor to gutenberg blocks that the embed code wasn’t properly converted to the youtube embed Here …

4 Quick, Easy, No-Cost WordPress Security Tips

In this day and age security is always an issue. In this day and age, it is important to keep your website and data safe. We put together a list of some no cost, easy to implement tips to help keep your website from getting hacked. Obviously, there are lots of other things that you can do to improve the security on your Wordpress websites but here are a few to get you started.