We recently attended DrupalCampNJ it is always a well organized and informative training camp. The camp takes place annually in February at the Friend Center, Princeton University. I always enjoy the session but also meeting and talking shop with other designers and developers. This year my goal was to learn about the paragraphs module in Drupal 8. That is why, Content driven design using the paragraphs module to design body parts by Tom Atkins, was my favorite session. Not only was it about the paragraphs module but also bootstrap which is our framework of choice. Bootstrap Paragraphs lets you add bootstrap elements and layouts and reference the elements using drupal.
The presenter Tom was great he took us step by step on how to set up and use Drupal Paragraphs. He also gave us some great real world examples of how he was using it at his job at New York State Attorney General’s web team. This module definitely opens up a lot of possibilities… I can’t wait to try it out!
***Bonus Bootstrap Paragraphs creator Jim Birch’s talk