WordPress vs Squarespace: Which is Easier to Use and Maintain for Your Business Website?

When building a website for your business, choosing the right platform is essential. Two popular options are WordPress vs Squarespace, each offering robust features but catering to different needs, especially in terms of ease of use and maintenance. Let’s explore the key differences to help you decide which is best for your business. WordPress.org: The …

Working with Custom Post Fields in Custom Gutenberg Blocks.

Integrating Custom Post Fields with Gutenberg Blocks offers WordPress users a powerful method for extending the functionality and customization of their content creation process. Custom post fields, also known as post meta, store additional data associated with posts or pages, while Gutenberg Blocks revolutionize content creation by introducing modular components. Developers can craft custom blocks …

Easy editing with WordPress Gutenberg editor

Getting to know Gutenberg The Gutenberg WordPress editor, also called the WordPress block editor, is a new page builder included in WordPress 5.0+. The Gutenberg editor adds content blocks and page builder-like functionality to every up-to-date WordPress website. Essentially, Gutenberg allows you to take a post or page, and break up the content into various “blocks.” For …

WordPress Gutenberg Block Patterns

Block Patterns have been available since the WordPress 5.5 release. Block patterns make it simple and fun to create complex, beautiful layouts, using combinations of text and media that you can mix and match. Each Pattern is a collection of different blocks carefully put together to help you produce great looking blog posts and pages …

Common WordPress Editing Issues

WordPress is a great framework and content management system for maintaining a Website with dynamic content that we like a lot. However, we often come across issues that often vex even experienced Web developers. Here are some common WordPress editing issues and how to fix them. Screen Options This seems like this is only a …

How To Use The WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Skip First 3 Minutes of the Video The ​Gutenberg​ WordPress ​editor​ is a new page builder that is being designed to integrate with WordPress core. … When in use, it will replace TinyMCE as the default content ​editor​. With Gutenberg​, content is added in blocks of various types from the WordPress backend. ​Gutenberg​ is was …